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The Wild Soul of Eros

  • Shalom Mountain 664 Cattail Road Livingston Manor, NY, 12758 United States (map)
The Wild Soul of Eros

$875 All-inclusive tuition, housing and meals.
Plus additional Sullivan County Room Tax of $9.75.
Registration for this retreat requires a $200 non-refundable deposit.
All participants are required to agree to a covenant of care.

Led by amelia perkins & Rosemary tarcza


As we begin to honor our unique essence as erotic beings and come into relationships guided by our deep YES, it expands the possibilities for meeting and being met by another. Likewise, when we connect with the holy thrum of (y)our own aliveness and the fullness of eros, we create an opening for richer and deeper pleasure and connection in all aspects of our lives. 

In this intimate laboratory, we’ll explore the unique textures of our turn-on, the pathways to the Source of our erotic energy—to invite deeper, more nourishing and vibrant connections with ourselves and others. 

With a spirit of curiosity and tenderness, consent and play, we’ll experiment with embodied practices to orient toward intimacy as a radically life-giving resource and expand our sense of what it is to be a lover—both in intimate settings and out in the world.  

This event is welcoming and inclusive of all gender expressions and sexual orientations. 


Amelia Perkins offers workshops on tantra, pleasure, and the inner marriage, as well as one-on-one and couples tantric coaching sessions.  She has a Masters of Theology from Harvard Divinity School and a Masters of Transformational Leadership and Coaching, and has studied with a number of teachers in the areas of sexuality & spirituality, intimacy, intuition, Respectful Confrontation, and emotional resilience. 

Rosemary Tarcza is a professionally certified Gestalt coach, facilitator, community organizer, chef and design patent examiner.  She has a passion for helping people cultivate a broader and deeper sense of intimacy in their lives through a lens of curiosity, experimentation, embodied learning, and connecting with the living wisdom of nature. She has facilitated workshops, events and retreats about intimacy, communication, circling, authentic relating, community building, storytelling, and personal growth.

Tuition assistance may be available. Ask for more information when registering on-line or call us at (845) 439-1385. 
Click here for our Cancellation policy.

Earlier Event: June 26
Young Adult Shalom Retreat
Later Event: July 17
Shalom Retreat®