Training in the Art of Loving Part IV
to Apr 8

Training in the Art of Loving Part IV

Led by Nance McGee and Sandie Rumold

For many years people who long to deepen their understanding and facility with the inner workings of the Shalom Process have gathered for the Introduction to Shalom Process Training. Now with a new name, Training in the Art of Loving, this six-session training continues to offer people systematic instruction and exploration in the core practices and frameworks of Shalom Process.

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Low Cost Shalom Retreat®
to Apr 20

Low Cost Shalom Retreat®

Led by Judi Johnston and Andy Cyders

Shalom Mountain is committed to making our primary retreats as accessible as possible, regardless of financial status. This specialized Shalom Retreat offers an opportunity to attend a Shalom Retreat at reduced fee for people who are currently experiencing financial need.

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Shalom Retreat® for Couples
to Apr 27

Shalom Retreat® for Couples

Led By Sandie and Gerry Rumold

In this Shalom Retreat, we will work with dynamics that challenge couples: power struggles, unresolved injuries, sexual fears and longings, and the balance between intimacy and autonomy. We will practice skills for speaking truth in love and for taking up individual responsibility for building the relationships we desire.

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Training in the Art of Loving Part V
to May 6

Training in the Art of Loving Part V

Led by Nance McGee and Sandie Rumold

For many years people who long to deepen their understanding and facility with the inner workings of the Shalom Process have gathered for the Introduction to Shalom Process Training. Now with a new name, Training in the Art of Loving, this six-session training continues to offer people systematic instruction and exploration in the core practices and frameworks of Shalom Process.

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Training in the Art of Loving Part VI
to Jun 3

Training in the Art of Loving Part VI

Led by Nance McGee and Sandie Rumold

For many years people who long to deepen their understanding and facility with the inner workings of the Shalom Process have gathered for the Introduction to Shalom Process Training. Now with a new name, Training in the Art of Loving, this six-session training continues to offer people systematic instruction and exploration in the core practices and frameworks of Shalom Process.

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Supervised Low Cost Shalom Retreat®
to Jun 15

Supervised Low Cost Shalom Retreat®

Supervised by Sandie Rumold, Nance McGee and LJ Wooden

Shalom Mountain is committed to providing ongoing training opportunities for our leaders, as well as making our primary retreats as accessible as possible, regardless of financial status. This specialized Shalom Retreat serves the dual purposes of providing supervision in the development of leaders in training as well as offering an opportunity to attend a low cost retreat to people who are currently experiencing financial need.

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Training in the Art of Loving Part III
to Mar 18

Training in the Art of Loving Part III

Led by Nance McGee and Sandie Rumold

For many years people who long to deepen their understanding and facility with the inner workings of the Shalom Process have gathered for the Introduction to Shalom Process Training. Now with a new name, Training in the Art of Loving, this six-session training continues to offer people systematic instruction and exploration in the core practices and frameworks of Shalom Process.

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Training in the Art of Loving Part II
to Feb 11

Training in the Art of Loving Part II

Led by Nance McGee and Sandie Rumold

For many years people who long to deepen their understanding and facility with the inner workings of the Shalom Process have gathered for the Introduction to Shalom Process Training. Now with a new name, Training in the Art of Loving, this six-session training continues to offer people systematic instruction and exploration in the core practices and frameworks of Shalom Process.

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Training in the Art of Loving Part I
to Jan 14

Training in the Art of Loving Part I

Led by Nance McGee and Sandie Rumold

For many years people who long to deepen their understanding and facility with the inner workings of the Shalom Process have gathered for the Introduction to Shalom Process Training. Now with a new name, Training in the Art of Loving, this six-session training continues to offer people systematic instruction and exploration in the core practices and frameworks of Shalom Process.

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Shalom Retreat® for Couples
to Oct 6

Shalom Retreat® for Couples

Led By Sandie and Gerry Rumold

In this Shalom Retreat, we will work with dynamics that challenge couples: power struggles, unresolved injuries, sexual fears and longings, and the balance between intimacy and autonomy. We will practice skills for speaking truth in love and for taking up individual responsibility for building the relationships we desire.

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Shalom Retreat Leadership Training Part IV
to Apr 7

Shalom Retreat Leadership Training Part IV

Led by John Bottone and LJ Wooden

Shalom Retreat Leadership Training (SRLT) is intended for those who are interested in, and who demonstrate a gift for facilitation of the Shalom Process. The intention of SRLT is to cultivate excellence in Shalom Process Leadership and the development of skilled facilitators to carry this work and sacred process into a variety of settings.

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Shalom Retreat Leadership Training Part III
to Mar 10

Shalom Retreat Leadership Training Part III

Led by John Bottone and LJ Wooden

Shalom Retreat Leadership Training (SRLT) is intended for those who are interested in, and who demonstrate a gift for facilitation of the Shalom Process. The intention of SRLT is to cultivate excellence in Shalom Process Leadership and the development of skilled facilitators to carry this work and sacred process into a variety of settings.

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Shalom Retreat Leadership Training Part II
to Feb 11

Shalom Retreat Leadership Training Part II

Led by John Bottone and LJ Wooden

Shalom Retreat Leadership Training (SRLT) is intended for those who are interested in, and who demonstrate a gift for facilitation of the Shalom Process. The intention of SRLT is to cultivate excellence in Shalom Process Leadership and the development of skilled facilitators to carry this work and sacred process into a variety of settings.

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Shalom Retreat Leadership Training Part I
to Jan 14

Shalom Retreat Leadership Training Part I

Led by John Bottone and LJ Wooden

Shalom Retreat Leadership Training (SRLT) is intended for those who are interested in, and who demonstrate a gift for facilitation of the Shalom Process. The intention of SRLT is to cultivate excellence in Shalom Process Leadership and the development of skilled facilitators to carry this work and sacred process into a variety of settings.

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Low Cost Shalom Retreat®
to Dec 17

Low Cost Shalom Retreat®

Led by Judi Johnston and Nance McGee

Shalom Mountain is committed to making our primary retreats as accessible as possible, regardless of financial status. This specialized Shalom Retreat offers an opportunity to attend a Shalom Retreat at reduced fee for people who are currently experiencing financial need.

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Shalom Retreat® for Therapists
to Dec 3

Shalom Retreat® for Therapists

Led By John Bottone and Nance McGee

Recognizing that mental health and healing professionals need a safe space to do their own personal work separate from clients, the Shalom Retreat for Therapists is an opportunity to facilitate your own personal growth, meet and network with other professionals, and allow yourself the gift of being nurtured while exploring the unfolding gift of your own being through the dynamic Shalom Process.

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The Alchemy of Eros
to Oct 22

The Alchemy of Eros

Led by Kristen Chamberlin

This retreat will take you on a deep dive into the mystery of Eros, dispelling myths and unfolding truths about erotic power and the wisdom it holds for your life. It’s your birth-rite to feel alive, sensual and powerful walking through the world. Until we fully integrate our erotic energy, this can be hard to attain.

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