We are located about 120 miles from New York City.
664 Cattail Rd.
Livingston Manor, NY 12758
(845) 439-1385
We are located in the beautiful Catskill region of upstate New York. Because of the highly personal nature of many of our retreats and workshops, we request that you not drop in to visit us without a prior appointment.
Getting Here
Pre-Retreat Counseling
This is a valuable way to sharpen the focus of your work on retreat. This is recommended especially if this is your first time to Shalom Mountain. These sessions usually take place in the afternoon of the day the retreat begins. Please arrange in advance. ($110/ hour).
For those in ongoing therapy
To ensure that our work at Shalom Mountain supports other spiritual and psychotherapeutic endeavors, we request that those currently in therapy inform their therapist that they are intending to participate in a Shalom Retreat™.
post-retreat counseling
As a way to integrate your retreat experience, post retreat sessions are available with a leader. Post retreat sessions can be arranged at the time of the retreat. ($110/ hour).
Tuition Assistance
Shalom Mountain is committed to offering community-funded financial assistance to those who are genuinely unable to afford the cost of a retreat. If you have financial need, please call us at (845) 439-1385.
Send us a message
We welcome your questions and concerns. Please feel free to contact us if there is any way that we can help you.